BPS is Thailand’s specialized designer and implementer of Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) and Central Clearing House (CCH) technologies for mass transit rail, commuter buses, tollways, and other urban transportation payment applications.
The AFC is an automated fare collection system designed to help manage ticket processing, ticket dispensing, ticket reading and fare collection. It consists of front and back-end systems.
BPS provides expert system architecture, transaction and parameter data, and fare media design services.
We are here with you throughout your MassTransit journey
Ticket Vending Machine(TVM)
TVM allows passengers to obtain single journey tickets or top up Rabbit Cards.

Automatic Gate
We have designed our AFC system to accept common ticketing, EMV Card, Rabbit Card, and other transportation systems in the future.
Issue and analyze all card system
AFC system uses access gates to monitor incoming and outgoing passangers.

AFC Project: Pink and Yellow Lines

BPS is the prime contractor to deliver the Northern Bangkok Monorail Pink Line and Eastern Bangkok Monorail Yellow Line AFC and CCH systems in Bangkok, followed by cross-line integration with Green Line.
Together, Pink Line and Yellow Line are the largest railway infrastructure project in Thailand history, by number of stations (53 stations).
Front End
The front-end system includes Ticket Vending Machine (TVM), Automatic Gate (AG), Point of Sale (POS), Station Data Concentrators and more.

Back End
The back-end system includes Central Server System, Fare Management and Fare Media Management.

The AFC Process
Tier 4 is where CCH is located. It will manage the apportionment for service providers. See more about CCH
The central computer system is the database server that holds the fare media, status of AFC equipment, and financial data provided by Tier 2 to generate report.
A station computer located on each station monitors the status of AFC equipment at station, control AFC equipment, and rout data transaction to Tier 3.
Tier 1 includes the AFC equipment at stations that reads and writes information from the card provided by the client, and processes their card transaction and data. This tier also includes point of sales terminal that issues and analyzes the cards.
Tier 0 includes the type of card used. There is the EMV Card (Euro, Master, Visa), Rabbit card, Single Journey Card, and smart card.